What to Expect

Your First Appointment

Your first appointment will last 90 minutes. We begin with an in-depth conversation about your health concerns, health history, lifestyle, and goals for treatment. This conversation is an important part of the diagnostic process, and allows me to get to know you and understand how best to address your health concerns. Treating you deeply with holistic medicine depends on understanding you on multiple levels— all the aspects of your physical, emotional, and mental life that contribute to your experience come into play when choosing how to support you. So, you will find that I ask you a variety of questions, not only about your physical complaints, but about all aspects of your life. I will then recommend a course of treatment specifically tailored to your priorities.

Treatment will follow the diagnostic process. Once you are comfortable on the treatment table, I will use my medical intuitive and energy healing skills, as well as traditional Chinese Medicine diagnostic skills like pulse taking and palpation, to see what is going on in your body and energy system that needs support. If acupuncture is a part of your treatment, once acupuncture needles have been inserted into appropriate points in your body, I will often leave you to relax in your serene treatment room for anywhere from 5-25 minutes, allowing the needles sufficient time to influence your body’s Qi. If there are deeper emotional patterns that need addressing, I may stay in the room with you as we work with those through my intuitive skills, manual therapy and energy work.

Follow-up Visits

Follow-up sessions last 60-90 minutes. Follow-up visits also begin with a conversation, physical examination, and tongue and pulse palpation, focusing primarily on progress and changes in your condition as well as any new concerns. If you are taking homeopathy we will discuss the effects of your remedy
Your individual needs determine how often, and for how long, you will need to receive treatment. If I sense you need more frequent acupuncture than I can provide with my full schedule, I can refer you to other trusted practitioners to supplement our work together with more regular acupuncture.

How to prepare for your visit

  • Please print and fill out the intake form before your first session.
  • Bring this intake form with you when you come for your session.
  • Bring any copies of blood work, lab results, tests, etc that are relevant to the condition you wish to be treated for. Please bring a list of supplements or drugs you are currently taking.

Acupuncture Treatment Information:

  • Before your session, please eat a well balanced meal and avoid caffeine.
  • After your session, drink water to enhance the detoxification process.
  • Symptoms may get worse before they get better.
  • You may experience mild sensation or soreness at the needle sites.
  • Feel free to contact me with any questions and concerns.

Support for Your Healing Journey

Download my guide to support your healing journey.

Elizabeth helps bring the true sense of ‘awe’ into daily life through her teachings. I feel that I have felt more, seen more, and experienced more working with Elizabeth than anyone else. Elizabeth’s teachings are vitally important, deeply powerful, and so rare. My mind, heart and body slow down within moments of listening to her voice; a sense of calm, internal centering, and clarity permeate me. It’s as if I am in nature when I am around her; standing amidst the redwoods or sitting next to a flowing stream. Elizabeth summons my best sense of self forward, reminding me of who I want to be in the world and how to live from that place. Elizabeth has felt like an angel on my shoulder, and the most helpful reminder of how to live from my heart and light.”

— Thomas S.