
Ride the Waves Course


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Growing Your Capacity to Handle Life's Challenges with Elizabeth Astor

How do you surf the growing waves of intensity around you? How can you express the most capable version of yourself in all your daily life situations? What do you need in order to stay compassionate and sane during these challenging times we find ourselves in? This course will address these questions, and more, and leave you with a concise toolbox to help you live your life as a wholehearted human being, with more capacity and peace.

I invite you to take a moment to watch the video below, where I'll guide you through my vision for this course and what you can expect to take away from it.

Course Details

This course spans 6 weeks, with a week’s break in the middle.

Class 1:

Finding Your Surfboard

  • New possibilities when the waves of life come
  • Grounding: becoming fully present in your body

Class 2:

Staying on Your Surfboard

  • Cultivating the ability to be with what is
  • Practicing self-compassion

Class 3:

Surfing When the Waves Are Big

  • Skills for difficult emotions and mind states
  • Working with repetitive thoughts and challenges

Class 4:

Enjoying the Float After the Waves Pass

  • How to cultivate a happy brain and heart
  • Resetting your nervous system
  • Enjoying your life

Class 5:

Taking Care of Yourself When the Waves Keep Coming

  • Setting boundaries and practicing psychic hygiene
  • Implementing energetic practices for self care

Class 6:

Being the Ocean Under the Waves

  • Accessing your intrinsic enoughness
  • Experiencing the wellspring of capacity that's always available

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Of all of the people in my life, I feel most seen and supported by Elizabeth. She listens to, intuits, and understands her clients at a very deep spiritual, physical, as well as psychological level.  Elizabeth has supported me in listening to and following my own intuition and inner knowing, and has helped me become more whole, present and well. Her work is powerful, profoundly helpful, and healing. She has had extensive training in many different healing modalities, as well as meditation and spiritual study, and she brings all of this experience to her patients and teachings in very accessible ways.  She is a very grounded, down to earth and relatable human who practices and implements all of the techniques she uses to support her clients in her roles as a powerful healer, spiritual teacher and mother.  Elizabeth has been my primary support for recovering from multiple chronic physical issues, as well as through divorce and family of origin issues, and has helped me learn how to better ground and nourish myself in all my roles at home and at work. She nourishes my psychological and spiritual growth and continues to support my life in many profound and unexpected ways. I consider Elizabeth to be one of my greatest teachers.

— Jaime S.