Castor Oil is a powerful medicinal herb that has been used in many cultures for thousands of years. Castor Oil’s main job is to Move things- lymph, blood, toxins, etc. This therapy is used to break up stagnation, congestion and inflammation and help the body detoxify and heal. This well-documented therapy has been shown to move blood and lymph, detoxify the liver, and break up scar tissue and adhesions. It is recommended, as part of a holistic approach, for epilepsy, gallstones, scleroderma, constipation and digestive issues, endometriosis, menstrual pain, etc.

Below are instructions for making and using a castor oil pack.

You will need:

  • Organic Cold Pressed Castor Oil for Topical Use
  • Wool or Cotton Flannel, around 8 x 30 inches in size
  • Heating Pad or Hot Water Bottle
  • Gallon Plastic Bag or sheet of plastic wrap that to cover the flannel
  • One or two old towels and/or an old big t-shirt

The Process:

  • Get comfortable, on a bed, couch, or the floor. You will want to be able to recline and relax here for at least 35-60 minutes.
  • Cover your comfy spot with a towel to protect it from the oil. Use the second old towel to cover you once you are situated. Castor Oil will stain fabrics.
  • Fold flannel three layers thick so it is still large enough to fit over the area you are treating, so you have an 8 x 10″ pad. You can reuse the flannel up to 30 times.

If you are treating your liver and gallbladder, place the flannel on the right side of your abdomen and ribs.  If you treating your intestines or uterus, place the flannel on your tummy above the pubic bone.

  • Soak flannel with the oil so that it is completely saturated. The oil should be at room temperature or slightly warmed.  You can cover the flannel with the plastic bag or plastic wrap.
  • Lie on your back with your feet elevated (using a pillow under your knees and feet works well), placing flannel pack directly onto the treatment area; cover oiled flannel with the sheet of plastic, and place the hot water bottle on top of the plastic.
  • Cover everything with the old towel to insulate the heat.
  • Leave pack on for 30-60 minutes.  Heat on your abdomen is deeply relaxing. Use this time for self-care: reading, meditation, listening to music…
  • You can reuse the pack several times, each time adding more oil as needed to keep the pack saturated. Store the pack in a large zip-lock bag or other container. Replace the pack after it begins to change color.  (Be sure to wash the towel by itself, as the castor oil can make other clothes stink if washed together. You can add baking soda to wash.)
  • For maximum effectiveness, apply at least four consecutive days per week for one month. Patients who use the pack daily report the most benefits.

Do not do castor oil packs if you are menstruating that day, after ovulation if you wish to get pregnant, or if you are pregnant.

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